
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


1)So, Pedrito sent an Easter card. After his cunt called me a bunch of shit (parsimonious, not nurturing...)I never opened it. Stoney-day late/dollar short-texts me Easter pm, asking when I was leaving to go hang @ Pedritos. Of course, after cunt's behavior @ Christmas, suffice to day its funeral will be my next visit. Instead of wasting my time in the presence of a judgemental religious cunt, who goes to church, contributes (her husband's money) lavishly, I went to a meeting. As fate would have it, I was asked to lead it. Things happen as they should.

I WAS annoyed I blew a chance for Stoney to hang with the fam, since he blew us off the last 3 occasions, but he understood why. He also questioned why cunt hadda claim he stated I wasn't nurturing, when he sent me the e mail at approximately that same time saying we needed to man u and not be pussies.

Useless cunt.

Sound familiar?????????????

2)Herb: went to my usual meeting last night. A while back, this asshole started frequenting this meeting. Wore a bow tie, always spoke of his being a musician in several churches.....not unlike JP.  Lo and behold, he relapsed. After claiming he has 15 years "sobriety" (asshole was abstinent/dry. His hubris preempted sobriety), his girlfriend dumped him. Guess his sobriety was pussy based. Never EVER give a cunt power over you. Asshole.

3)Stoney: woke up this am, started to prep to split to start the day. Of course, as I leave to start the day he's just about falling asleep. He asks "did you get any Easter candy?" God bless him. I got teary. No matter how old you are, you wish for a Christmas stocking or something (of course, he had plenty of weed but couldn't even get a card for his father), and an Easter basket-or treats @ the least. Since this year is the year of change, I didn't even bring up Easter, but his remark touched my heart. No matter how adult he thinks he is, he's a kid. So, first thing this am, I got him some treats. We have no toilet paper (it's his turn to buy some, so naturally we're out. He bogarted some from his friends), but he has treats. Good. He deserves them, he's a good person. No matter what, his inner child is alive.

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