
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, March 4, 2016

Just Like Mommy

Remember when I -as if I hadda- asked Stoney to stay outta my room?

2 days ago, find his lighter in front of the tv in my room, he claimed he went to the window to see what Hulk was barking at. I open a drawer last night, he'd-again-fucked with my things. This comes on the heels of his room FILLED with smoke from his friends and his favorite pastime. This means he'd intentionally gone through my belongings-AS IF HE HAD THE RIGHT!!!!!

So, what have I learned?

1)He cannot be trusted
2)His word is worthless
3)Just like his mother, he feels he has the right to violate boundaries, as he contributes NOTHING to the household.

His response "it was only a_____." NOT THE  POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He, again, violated my trust.

Never again.

1)He will never ever be loaned $. Let him abstain from weed.
2)I will always check each and every crevice of my home to ascertain the status.
3)THIS is what I get for trusting.

Lied TO MY FACE when I asked why he was in my room, after giving his word to not do so.

Just like Mommy. Way to keep a vow.

This is what I get for doing the right thing.

Oh wait, it gets better!!! THEN, as I'm feeling utterly despondent, he enters my room-WITHOUT KNOCKING. I quit, I'm done. Good luck kid.

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