
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day 1554

A VERY good day

Lonely, but good.

Sucks that when I get a day off I havta do everything possible to avoid where I sleep, but it is what it is. And no, Pedrito didn't call. He has a hard time handling the truth. It told him all It's warped perception, neglecting to say anything about the REAL dysfunction here. When he heard reality, it took a while to sink in. He can't CONCEIVE the shit I live with. One SMALL example: Bitch never cleans, ever. And the upstairs tv? Why do I render it unuseable during the day? Remember It NEVER made the bed? Fucking pig.

So, had a GREAT day in nyc. started @ AP, got my miles, then hopped the bus, played all day, then to Toxichouse, It was out. Where? Who gives a fuck.

Really had fun riding the Bloombergbike.

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