
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, May 23, 2014

Day 1801

Work it until it works!!!!!

Got a guy on our team who just can't seem to get in step. He's as big as I was, and just can't seem to do what the team does, i.e.: last eve, we packed it in @ 5 pm. @ 6:45 I get texted asking if I wanted to go back out. Meanwhile, we had a 9 am meeting this guy didn't show for-he appeared after 10, took an hour for lunch (he MUST have lunch), then disappeared @ 3. Makes me really glad I run. Good for my head, good for my mojo.

Stoney? Bursts in after midnight making noise. Really pissed me off. Disrespectful-remember, if I wash a dish it disturbs his beauty sleep. Love him more than anything, that's what makes it hurt. He can really be an inconsiderate asshole. His mother? Useless. It's the person who said-when I remarked that we needed to be clean in the kitchen re: ants: "oh yeah, I saw them." No, Virginia, you can't make this shit up.

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