
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day 1720

Got eggs?

Bitch walks in, actually had some small talk, not bad. Literally one minute later, RAGE. Why? I used 4 eggs. Now, the day before was the scene of the crime, It had purchased 2 dozen eggs. I asked if It wanted me to make some for It as I was cooking some up. Nothing then. Like I said, a minute before, small talk, one minute later, pure unadulterated psycho. PLEASE go dog sit for another week. Is THIS sober behavior? Is THIS what Jeeeeeeesus would do???

And It actually thinks It has 27 years sober? The period of too much coffee to stay up to do Avon orders, then using sleeping pills...that's sober? I want to get in on THAT 12 step program!

Take my inventory daily, drag my name through the mud to all our former friends, make me look like shit in front of my son, THAT'S sober? Jeeeeeeeeesuas died for that?

Yay religion.

BUT, I got my gym time in, morning AND evening.  :)

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