
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 1712

Didn't suck

(unlike the superbowl)

Our Team "Team Not Last" (was supposed to be "Not Last" but the writer fucked up), wasn't last-nice. Me n' 2 babes who needed a team. That was the good news.

Brotherfromanothermother? No show. football dad bailed-his ball and chain cracked her whip-good for him. He has a home life.

Though I lost a great running day (1 mile??? Really???), I DID-technically-run. for some reason I can't count a mile.

And yes, not one fucking runner from the remnants of Quantum. Pret? Nothing. Amazing how so much could have been made out of my being elsewhere, yet they couldn't even turn up for a one mile run. Shows they drank the store owner's kool-aid. Pity. Their loss.

Re: Super Bowl? Who cares. Bitch still spending nights out thank you GOD, and got the news about Philip Seymour Hoffman. Wow.

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