
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 1429

Back to reality.

Had a REALLY great 3 day conference, but, it hadda end. Back to the shit.

Toxichouse: gas shut off. Bitch? Didn't do shit. Remember when I hadda have my # changed because of psychotic rants, It can't seem to understand you canNOT use a state issued phone to go psycho, so hadda change my #. NOW, It calls-repeatedly-trying to tell me the gas is shut down. So, PAY it! Fucking moron.

But no, it's MY job. you know, the guy who didn't even get lint for Christmas.

Better STILL, Keith didn't go to school "because he smells." Guess the gym doesn't have a shower.

Think Sybil could FURTHER divorce itself from ANY parental responsibility whatsoever????? Really. And you know quite well, the company would accept a payment plan-but no, it's all MY job.

EVEN better: "you go off...." As if I was away on pleasure? I WAS IN ALBANY!!!!!!! Fucking moron. (though, it WAS GREAT being with intelligent people).

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