
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, May 19, 2017

One More Month

6/18 we'll revisit Stoney's status.

This am was supposed to be sink or swim. As in: 8am, mattress on the sidewalk, or, so far so good. Well, he's still under my roof.

Sat him down @ the table and evaluated his status. The problem is: he actually hasn't internalized the nature of his transgressions. it came to this: yes, drug free. No, rent. Yet, he has $350, blew every cent, and then some (just     like    mommy). I asked hiom: "how many of your friends would've survived throwing a hammer @ their father???? " (this came after he stated his perception that he hadn't really done anything that heinous.).

I reminded him:

you allowed my home to be the locus for needle party.

you allowed a stranger to live in my living room.

that same stranger facilitated your addiction.

you have zero fucking rights in my house.

four weeks, no rent.


No change, no domicile after 6/18.

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