
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Note the date, and the time.

April 6, Stoney's friend moves "some of his things in for a few days." Next, his friend is sleeping in the living room, in a queen sized bed-good to enjoy my living room isn't it????? Next, his friend AND his friends girlfriend in my living room.

6 weeks later, guess who's STILL in my living room?????????????

Oh, wait. Stoney actually thinks he has a right to this.

Oh, wait. Stoney AND his friend, and their friends, providing a near constant stream in and out of the house until well after midnight.

Weeks and weeks and weeks.

Good thing Bitch instilled in him his feeling of entitlement. Oh, did I mention their sink full of dishes-since last June? Works, doesn't have bills, yet has to go buy a loose cig because he doesn't have enough for a pack????? JUST LIKE MOMMY.

Tonight, no less than 16x in and out of the house. SIXTEEN. The only house on the block like this.


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