
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Let's do the math

April 4, Stoney's brotherfromanothermother "stores" his stuff in my house. April 6 he moves in. April 8, his girlfriend spends the night.

2 weeks later, he leaves his used needles in the bathroom and living room.

One week later, Stoney tells me I cannot speak directly to him.

One week after that, I get the results from the lab. Yep, he's an addict.

Last week, a colleague informs me he went for an assessment at a drug program.

Must be nice to enjoy your home. I wouldn't know.

Last week, Stoney-again-breaks my balls re: not printing money. Plenty for smoke, but nothing else apparently.

Now, lets think about this. He claims poverty, yet works 40 hours, contributing zero to the house. I'm talking doesn't even clean his shithole of a room. A crackhouse is better maintained.

Yet, we're still better off than a year ago.

...as 2 cars remain in the driveway. Hope Stoney's enjoying them.

Got any weed?????

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