
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, May 13, 2016

Deja vu

Again, note the time.

God fucking forbid I get some rest.

Asshole living with us and his best friend-you know, the person Bitch gave birth to-are stoned out of their minds. Almost midnight, and Stoney can't understand the need for quiet.

Only house on the block with lights on, and he doesn't think this is odd.

His room? Sheet covering the window (could you BE more ghetto???).

What comes out of his mouth? Remember, this is my son: "suck my dick." Nice.

He revisits every phrase the dead bitch used, every allegation, really a wonderful night. All this as the rest of the world is quiet. STILL bringing up the bullshit about being responsible for his own groceries. To which I replied (@ this point I was fed up) "you work full time, don't contribute anything to the house, yet can't afford groceries????????? How much weed DO you smoke.

Total asshole. 20 years old, soon 21, and what does he have to show for it? Blaming me for his mothers' bullshit. He doesn't see deadbitch shit all over him by committing the ultimate in narcissistic behavior.

Oh wait, I forgot. Guess what I found? Yes, another needle!!!!!

Really makes me feel good about breaking my balls. A stoned 20 year old telling ME wassup. I finally told him, "I pray you have a child as rude and disrespectful as you are."

Truly, I do. He deserves it. Entitled little shit.


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