
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, December 26, 2015


Now, the second of 2 days, done. Thanksgiving went well, though Stoney blew us off. Christmas-almost as well, with Stoney AGAIN declining to make an appearance.

Went to Toxichouse to pickup Stoney, "uh, I'm not going." Told him the least he could do is call them. Fuck him. All went well until the end, @ which point Angela was so kind as to give me her unsolicited opinion of my parenting, i.e. "you're culpable......." Nice, ho ho ho. THIS is what Jeeeeezus would do? Nice to have the luxury of making judgements which were not requested, and which are dead wrong. When pressed, i.e, "where did you get the information to form these judgements, she responded "Keith, when he was 12." YOU do the math. Stupid cunt.

Woke up this am, after listening to Stoney's herbal pursuits, he asks "so, uh, did you get me anything for Christmas?" To which I responded, "did you even wish me a 'Happy Birthday,' let alone a 'Merry Christmas?' ." So, I got him the gift card. Does he deserve it? No, does he contribute? Does he do ANYTHING other than sleep, smoke, and play? No. Does he violate my privacy and invade my space? Yes. But Angela says I'm "culpable." As if the cunt is qualified to make any judgement? The same cunt who drove away husband #1, and fucked up Kevin.

Yesterday I ran, today I will run. Life is good.

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