
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, December 23, 2016

And so this is Christmas

This year, going to Pedrito's. After dodging Thanksgiving, it's important for Junkieboy to see his blood relatives.

The good news? He spoke.

The bad news: he admitted to doing heroin a week ago.

Fuck me.

Hope the spineless cunt who birthed him is happy.

It escapes (good sobriety there), leaving me with an addict.

Remember the discussion re: his smoking weed. Its excuse to do/say nothing; "what price are you willing to pay to have a relationship with your son?" Good excuse to do nothing. Now? Got those needles don't we?

So, where's he at? No job, for months now. Hadda hit on me for $ for a haircut, which I'm sure went into his veins.

Ho ho ho.

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