
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Deja Vu!

So, we go through all the same old again.

Our tenant/brotherfromanothermother goes to rehab, gets out, weeks later I come home to an NA book on the dining room table-a weed pipe atop it, a bottle of Bailey's on the counter.


I ask the individual, "didn't your parents wonder where you were?" His response "oh, they knew." So, you got a person living out of the place he was kicked out of, the parents make NO contact with me. GREAT parenting eh?

So, you got Stoney claiming I never did shit for him. Remember the $5? Translation: when Bitch suddenly decided the $ the government was giving It-disability???? Social Security??? Remember THAT? Well, It decided It was going to blow it all on Snapple and thrift store shit. So, if I didn't give Stoney $5, he went without lunch???

But I never did shit.

Only paid every bill and made damn sure he had a place to live.

What did I get in return? A constant stream of stranger in my house, holes punched in walls and my belongings fucked with.

But it's ok to use my house as a drug den?

It's ok to allow complete strangers to use needles, and destroy the house.

Bitch left a terrific legacy didnt't It????????

Oh by the way, who's still here??????????????????????

Stoney has his girl sleep over, ne night, now two.

One night-guest. Two nights=tenant.

In short, we haven't learned shit.

Just             like            mommy

(oh, and yes, BOTH cars STILL in the driveway. Haven't moved an inch in, now, OVER  year).

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