
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 1249

So, die already

Today begins the start of my "vacation." Had so many hours, hadda use some time. Now, here's the prob. My son has been turned against me, his mother has successfully portrayed Itself a perpetual victim, so Toxichouse is NOT a place I'll stay for any extended period.

Thank GOD for the gym. Spin this am @ 9, then again tonight @ 7. By THAT point, I'll be too tired to give a shit.

Now, let this whole Christmas season thing sink in. Remember we USED to go visiting. Even Its friends/groupies are sick of the perpetual patient. Useless bitch.

But WAIT! It got better!!!!!

Again, tonight It tries being human, I indicate yesterday I said not a word until It did, agreed to "turn the page," then IT, again, went psychotic. It then attempted to update me on Its health. Let's be clear: I don't give a shit. Die.

...all this as Stoney plays one of the video games It bought him, totalling well in excess of $200, yetr can't even buy me a fucking card. Die. fucking die.

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