
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Day 1570

The streak is broken!

(not an entirely bad thing)

Woke up yesterday: rain. Grrrrrr. Waited 'til got to the job, still raining. Oh well, haven't had a day off yet, so, wtf. Unfortunately, after I commit to taking the day off and get involved in other shit, a half hour later, it fucking stopped! Fuck it. Follow the signs and chill.

Sucked 'cause, bopped by the house @ 12, who's there? Stoney and the Stoner crew. Reekin' of weed. Nice. I came in later, Sybil had his car licensed and good to go. Smoke on, it's obviously working for you. He has It do all his work, he smokes. Nice.

Need my miles.

Best of all: school started, NOW Bitch wants copies of our taxes to apply for aid. Moron.

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