
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, December 31, 2011

day 888


What a night! Hooked up with my college peep, hasn't skipped a beat. Helluva guy. The type you're proud to be associated with. AND, helluva concert as well. Gov't Mule!!!! Whipped out some Pink Floyd, just because they could, closed with Dear Mr Fantasy with David Hidalgo from Los Lobos!!!

What a night!

He's a History Teacher @ Cardinal Hayes. In danger of losing his house. He pulls in the high 40's, but an 11 year old and 2 older daughters (in conjunction with a wife who can't work) and the best case is he'll refi. Ouch.

Yet we BOTH have cherished memories of those years together! We really grew. Glad we reconnected.

The odd part is, such is the case with Elementary School, High School, and the students I taught. Nice to have bonded on so many levels!

Tonight, midnight run. My yearly 'ting. :)

Friday, December 30, 2011

day 887

It's HERE!!!

The big day. As if seeing Gov't Mule wasn't cool enough, seeing it with BAKEOFF!!!!! Amazing that we're both still alive, let alone professionals and healthy! God bless our parents.

...speaking of which: last evening, Stoney out with his peeps, Bitch out with Its friends. Ahhhhh, lovely family we have ain't it? And you wonder how I press on? I tried everything you can think of (remember last year's Christmas debacle with the X-Box Kinnect? TRIED to do something to bring everyone together. Was told to return it. STILL hurts. And whenever I tried anything, it was met with shit. So, fuck 'em.) Just give $$$ and S.T.F.U. I understand my role.

So, after freezing various body parts yesterday morning, this am? 41 degs. YES!!!!! Sweatshirt and shorts. How great was THAT? To top it off, New Year's eve is predicted to be about 40. Thanks God!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

day 886

sooooooooooooo close!!!

Got confirmation about tomorrow night. Me n' a college peep reuniting after 20+ years. Wow. Both of us alive and very well. Both of us professionals. We done good! AND, a concert to boot!!!!!

This am, COLD!!!!! But, gotta lace 'em up! Can't be a wuss. Was sub freezing, but long as you were moving, did ok.

Got my miles, New Years locked, gold baby!!!

THIS is what peeps are all about, and thank GOD for Facebook! Shebitch is going out with Its groupies, leaving me in the dust. No problem, I'll be with people with whom I have a history. People who've actually done something with their lives. I truly can say it's been quite a journey, so far ;).

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

day 885

so far, so good!

Keeping one eye on the weekend, trying to NOT end this year on a down note. Though DID just get Stoney's progress report. Not good. And he wants to attend college? Best of all: English marks suck, and he's late too often for first period. Sound like a stoner to YOU???

BUT, this am, I ran. Yesssssss. Last night, was POURING. But, the rains ended by 1am. Thank you GOD! Got my miles, now I'm gold.

Shebitch up, literally, all night. Cooking. Why? Its friends coming in for the holidays. Yes it sucks. Us? Nothing. Friends, everything. Remember: these are the same people suckered into believing I'm Dr.Evil. Yet, cook for them, while we have nothing. Amazing. I ran today, I'm ok. No joke, up ALL night (Stoney too!!!). Can you imagine? Up all night, sleep all day. Yet I'm whacked????

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

day 884


Thank GOD Pret texted me yesterday. Was feeling absolutely awful. After a shit Christmas, was feeling really low. That, and the underlying anxiety over the job, not good. BUT, worst case: it's another day after all-only an arbitrarily assigned set of hours.

So, with rain predicted this pm into tonight, running will be my companion throughout. Thank you GOD. The weather won't interrupt my pursuit of sanity (note: "pursuit," not "maintenance.")

Doing ok.

...still... Stoney treating me like a villain really stings. He'll never understand I foresook personal happiness to assure he didn't grow up in a broken home (and Angela feels the need to lecture ME about committment???). People will never understand.

But you do. Thanks.

Monday, December 26, 2011

day 883


So, ok. Got my miles in yesterday, get texted by Stoney asking when I was coming home-they awaited me to open gifts.

THAT went well, Shebitch discovered either we're related and living under the same roof, or someTHING bitch slapped some sense into It. Either way, there were gifts. Of course, nothing for It. I bought the tree, using last year's logic. The kicker, It didn't even remember!!!!! I reminded It that everyone got Ipods last year, and I got a tin of dollar store cookies. STILL smarting from that one (AND, I bought It the BROOOCE box set!).

So, we made it through ok, to Uncle Pete's-in seperate cars-It was going to tend for a sick groupie after.

Uncle Pete's went well...until...It HADDA have a psychotic break. I threw a ball of wrapping paper at It as a goof, It flipped. THAT was only the beginning. THEN, It went on a tear about my gluing shit down (stuff It insisted on moving). People there indicated I must be mental-without asking about the precipitating factors. THEN, Stoney goes on a tear-in a FOUL mood when I stated "as soon as I get ink for the printing press," when discussion came around to his going to college. Bitch REALLY hasn't a clue. It doesn't internalize that I currently pay everything, haven't had a raise in years. Really. WhattheFUCK can It be thinking???????????? And, as a result, Stoney gets raggy, saying I didn't have to get sarcastic. WTF??? Fuck me. Ho ho ho.

But, this am, got my run in. 41 degs, sweatshirt and shorts. NIIICE.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

day 882

"And so this is Christmas, and what have we done?"

3am, Shebitch, again, trips the circuit breaker. I live in hell. Ho ho ho.

Thank GOD it isn't raining. Lace 'em up, hit the path, get my miles. After that, I'm gold.

Enjoy your day people. Be glad you're not me, today'll be rough, but I know you're with me.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

day 881

"I live in the city, I breath dirty air! I ride trains with B boys, junkies, queens and squares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone's an asshole, everyone's a creep. I look out my window, there's GARBAGE IN THE STREETS!!!!! New York New York!!!!!!" (God, I love NY!!!!)

Helluva day!

Hit Alley Pond for my miles, made it. Ran into Pret and the peeps. Got a Christmas gift I hadn't planned on-made my year! Love is good!!!!!!!!!!!

Back to Toxichouse, It's raging-blew a fuse, hadda (again) reset my clock. It goes into a rage-can't admit It fucked up again. Now, again, understand: I hadda reset the clock, yet It rages. Happy Christmas Eve motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

day 880


Christmas party a rousing success. The patients were their usual selves: magnificent. They really have the spirit. There's something heartwarming about shared desperation. Everyone had fun, not a negative word was heard, no misbehavior. Which means this weekend'll probably be hell.

This am, rain. Good. No run. (of course NOW the sun is peeking out).

Needed the rest, you really shoot your load with the party. TONS of work, but worth every calorie.

ho ho

Thursday, December 22, 2011

day 879


there IS a balance to everything!!!

This am, 55 degs!!! Holy SHIT! Needed it.

Yesterday, Stoney texts me, asking me to bring home Subway. Normally, no biggie, BUT, after getting stuck for the Christmas tree........Shebitch NOT contributing in any way, shape, or form...But, ok. I said I would.

I get home, tv on, heater (electric) on, house empty. WTF???? Was sorely tempted to feed the sub to Hulk, but I wrapped it thinking, "Fuck him, I'll eat it."

Texted him, he was out with useless Bitch buying computer shit. Again, let that sink in. No food, poor fuck hasta text me asking for sustenance, but the Bitch is out buying him computer shit. THEN, spends the night, again, elsewhere. (yet, taught religion in the pm. Teach the crap, yet abandon your son and spouse).

So, where's the yin? The Yang?

A)I ran this am, thanks God.

B)Re: Kris Kringle. I didn't get shit for the past 2 days (you're supposed to get 2 small gifts, then one big). Turns out, I got the person who had me!!!!! And we BOTH made out!

Ok, God, you exist.

Tonight, the patients' Christmas party. ALWAYS a wonderful thing. When things suck, do for others. Can't go wrong ;) .

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

day 878


Ok, so yesterday after work SUCKED. Stoney jerking his mother's chain, meanwhile perfectly fine playing x-box.

Waited for Shebitch to come back to Toxichouse. It finally waltzes in, Stoney doesn't even wanna get off his ass to get The Tree.

So, headed to Lowe's, sold out (no shit), then off to the local "guy." Success. Of course, when he asks for $$$, It backs off. Again, I get fucked. $55 later, we have a tree. First Bank of Dad strikes again!

And for all this, not an iota of respect, nor thanks. And yes, It wanted to put all the crap It had in the den. Seems to be a focal point for crap. Not on my watch.

But, this am, ran. :) Shorts and sweatshirt.

God is good.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


ok. Trusted Stoney on his own this am. Yes, Shebitch is still spending nioghts elsewhere, caring fopr wrinkled people (GREAT family dynamic we have).

So, trusted that, @ 16, he'd get to school without me-his training wheels/probation officer.

So, Shebitch was in mid-rage yesterday, raging about how It was gonna fuck with my stuff. I knew It'd be out 'til 4:30, so hit Toxichouse @ 2:30. Who's home??? Stoney!!!!!

He had "diarrhea." Called Shebitch to say he was staying home.

FUCK ME. You KNOW if I'd been here, that wouldn't have happened.

FUCK ME!!!!!

I can't do everything. Hadda be on the job, also, after the twat raging that I do nothing, about other things, I hadda detach.

That's what I got for detaching. Lil fucker ditched school.


***And, didn't get my Kris Kringle gift.

day 877

bitch (ho ho ho)

So, we were supposed to get the Christmas tree yesterday. So much for THAT idea. It's tending for the wrinkled people-again-instead of a REAL job. So it was delayed until today, supposedly so It could clear the pile of shit where the tree will reside. Of course, the pile of shit was never moved yesterday, instead, It blew into the house, raged, screamed @ me for clearing the basement, raged @ me for not recognizing Stoney when he was a baby in the pool 14 years ago in Montauk (yep, it's true, great memory eh? AND, notice, I was actually in the pool-It was on the side. Typical. DO nothing, critique those who do. And, why didn't I recognize him? It was his first time in the pool. Again, let that sink in. The other day It raged about my inability to let things go, hmmmmmm. Sunk in yet?????).

So, this am, 47 degs!!!! Yummmmmmmm. Sweatshirt and shorts. On 12/20!!!!!

AND, practiced Christmas with the patients. :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

day 876

Mr.Mom, again.

This is getting ridiculous. It all started with delaying adolescence for as long as possible, then, making it an adult preoccupation. Yes, I'm talking about Shebitch. Waitressing, using every excuse to keep waitressing, then holding one bogus gig after another (Real Estate, Avon...), now, caring for an elderly couple. Necessitating being out of the house for days on end. Not even thinking of the effect on the family dynamic. Totally fucking everything up. "Now you see It, now you don't" parenting. No wonder Stoney smokes.

BUT, this am, I ran. FREEEEEEZING, but I ran, goddamnit!

Still no Christmas tree (guess whose responsibility that is?), still no heat (ditto). This sucks.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

day 875

hey, I tried

Went to Deb's Christmas party...for a minute. Was almost like: I went in the front, left through the back. I think I spent all of 10 minutes. I'm kind'a famous for that. Really not big on small talk. Saw her, wished her a happy, then split.

Home? Stoney admitted smoking. Shebitch out for 3 days, amazing. I truly feel as though the world's on my shoulders.

But, I ran. FREEEEEEZING this am, had the club elections, so hadda do the early run. Ran unopposed-so voted against me would'a really sucked. Now I'm prez, brotherfromanothermother vp. Nice.

***One of the renegades, my rasta brotherfromanothermother, and I had one of those shared bro moments. He thought he was the only one who couldn't handle a treadmill. I, of course, told him that was the sign of a real runner. My man!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

day 874

Yesterday was a dream until.......

(true, you CAN'T go home again!!!)

The video shoot was a howl! Still pix then video. My role: had the choice of either teacher or doctor. Of course I chose teacher, and of course, hadda be coached re: use of hands (guitar players are like fish outta water without an instrument). No problem w/comfort in front of the cameras, did well. I'll know the result by Monday.

Then, went to see Cook County. In a word: WOW. About meth. Not one good thing about it.

Then, hit Goodwill for hidden treasures, always find something cool.

Unfortunately, then, home. Stoney and 3 peeps sitting on the couch, room REEKED of pot. SHIT. And of course, Shebitch is useless in these matters, pretty much giving him carte blanche thinking if it's the worst he does......Bitch don't realize it starts with pot and.........

And, of course, it did a drive by. This fri-sun m.i.a. weekends are getting to be a drag. Bitch tends for some old people, ok, we all gotta work, but if you remember, first it was waitressing to all the freedom to tend to our son-then another bullshit story-then another.....Any excuse not to grow up and get a real job. it blows in, creates a storm, then blows out. I'm tempted to ask him if he's got any smoke left.

So, what to do? Can't ground him, he barely gets off the couch as it is. And you KNOW It will buy him whatever he wants. So, other than lunch $$$, he's cut off. At least I know my $$$ won't contribute to his delinquency.

Tonight Deb's Christmas party. My oldest friend.

Friday, December 16, 2011

day 873

amazing, truly amazing.

Last night shebitch goes off BIG TIME. I had the gall to eat some chicken that was in the fridge. Call the lawyers! Of course, THAT was the smokescreen for Its excuse. It was spending yet ANOTHER night away, cooking for a sick groupie. Now, again, let that sink in. We have no heat, an empty fridge, but It goes to cook for others...after RAGING that someone living under the same roof ate something from the fridge. Mental?

So, this am, God again took care of bidness. Hadda get up as a ridiculous hour to get my run in and shower-SOMEONE has to be a parent around here. Amazingly pathetic that the Bitch cares more for outsiders than her own son, let alone me (I was glad for a peaceful house). Stopped to get Stoney hot breakfast, and here I sit. Hey, got my miles in (@ 4 in the fucking morning!!!!!!!!!!).

This am, a video shoot. Me, a model!!!!!! Amazing. Truly amazing.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

day 872


Today's my Friday, nice.

The bad news? Would be nice to actually have a week off. But then again, knowing what I live with, ain't gonna happen.

Yet another unbeatable am. 48 degs!!!!! Shorts and a t-shirt 10 days before Christmas!!! Nice.

Got my miles, practiced Christmas songs with the kiddies, ordered the food, bought the decorations.

Now, photo shoot manana, big Christmas run Saturday, club elections Sunday.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

day 871


Yet ANOTHER Albany phone call, STILL no word on the gig. Jeeeeeeez. It's been SIX MONTHS!!!!!

So, we run. Yay!!!!! BEAUTIFUL morning, 34-36 degs, purrrrrfect. We really havta take it where/when we can.

Meetings this am, meetings this pm. Yecch.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

day 870

The big day!

Conference call between 3:30-4pm with Albany. Curious as to the result.

Manana, a conference @ NYC HQ.

Things be buzzin'!

Thank GOD got my run in! 34 degs, got my miles, felt REALLY good!!!

*AND, got into the Empire State Building Run Up!!!!! Things are looking up!

Monday, December 12, 2011

day 869

kind'a likin' this

Right on the cust of frigid, but ok for now. You know it's getting there when you wear gloves for your run, yet STILL are cold. NOT frigid, but cold.

Did ok. Got my miles, got a foothold on the day.

Needed the miles after the 5m sat and the 5k sun.

Too much nonsense on site-staff not appearing for work etc...really, have they no shame??? THEN having the chutzpah to claim they didn't know the call-in protocol. Utter bullshit. If they don't wanna work, give the gig to someone who does.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

day 868

that DIDN'T suck

Did a 5k this am. REALLY wanted to see my peeps @ Alley Pond, some were going to do a couples race, but my timidity (stop laughing) always gets the best of me. Yes, kiddies, one can be a cynic and still be timid. Also, broken-hearted. When you can't spend quality time with the one you love, you'd really rather be alone.

So, with the thought that my heart belonged elsewhere, went to a first time race in buttfuck Suffolk county, oops, Bohemia. (exit 57!!!!!). As if that wasn't bad enough, they had no shirts for day of race runners (so you get to pay more, AND no shirt???). I got one, just don't ask how. Surprise, surprise (we ARE everywhere), Bill was there. Normally he does races with good vittles, but this one was good n flat, only a 5k, so he was breaking in a newbie. Lovely to see him. It's always nice to run into a peep!!!

Then, got a call from Shebitch re "where did you put..." It simply can't internalize the need to call in an EMERGENCY. Do I really havta change my number again???

BUT, I bit the bullet. Called back, I DO owe the bitch a birthday dinner (we can't have bad karma can we, after all, it HAS been a month. It made me wait 2 weeks so I figure I'm even). We had a lovely Japanese dinner @ a great, deserted restaurant. I figured all the cretins'd be watching Sunday football. I was right, the place had us, and tumbleweeds.

***New Years flick, very good!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

day 867

did my share

Did one of those "you live on Long Island, so you gotta do it (or face deportation) races." The Mulcahy's 5m. Always remember this one as it's the only race i REALLY fucked up in: thought it was a 5k, years ago, and was running the last 2 miles thinking "really fucked up on the course measurement didn't they?"

Didn't TOTALLY suck, but didn't set an y records either. OK, getting older, but still active.

Manana, either AP or Bohemia. We'll see.

Friday, December 9, 2011

day 866

God IS good!!!

Last night, Cheap Trick @ The Paramount (again, my favorite place). Amazing venue, only 1,500 "seats," not a bad spot in the place. I had tix for general admission floor, and balcony. I took the balcony, gave away the floor. Pic below. They were AMAZING!!!!!

AND, the opening band from summer, that WAS to have opened, opened yesterday! As a testament to them, people were asking who they were. Usually the opening band gets "get the fuck out." I was thrilled! AND, they did a Joey song!!!

No run this am, in too late, hit the sheets @ 12:30am. Stoney hit on First Bank of Dad, of course, Shebitch is away for yet another night. @ this point the bathroom reeks! Good.

What a night. SOOO glad my prayers were answered (remember when they had their set cut short, I begged for them to come back to the area. Niiiiiiiice.)

ADD to THAT, made a peep. She was sitting there, asked who the opening band was, that was the icebreaker. Just like running. Turns out, she'd been @ Ray Davies (and a host of other concerts) as well. EXACTLY like running: usual suspects doing "The Circuit."

A great night!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

day 865


A quiet evening!!! Shebitch spent the night out. THANK YOU GOD!!!!! Peace prevailed. Funny, with It out, all of a sudden Stoney was semi-social, or at least as social as a teenager gets. Of course he had an agenda-it was POURING and he needed a lift to the gym. I was more than happy to do so. And yes, drove him to school, though I DIDN'T do my usual: stop @ the deli to get him a hot breakfast. He has bagels and english muffins in the fridge. Let him see the dif between Shebitch and I. Also, before leaving, who-again-wreaks Its destruction? Yes, Shebitch clogged the toilet. Good. Let him see who does what.

The downside? Hadda hurry my run. Not a bad thing. Good for my time-turned it into a tempo run. Let's face it: I run for sanity AND health, not for speed. So, hurried my run-though DID get my full mileage, then headed back to drive Stoney.

Tonight, CHEAP TRICK!!!!! GREAT venue-The Paramount, amazing band!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

day 864


As amazing as it may seem, actually got my miles in today. Nice!

Rain predicted off and on, enough to drive people into the gym, however, actually had an idea. Knew the local thrift store had a pair of Asics in my size. Hmmm.....sure enough, no one grabbed 'em. AND, better still, there were 2 pair! So, got TWO pair, total damage: $26. Amazing!!!!! So, in effect, had throwaway running shoes. Now, the part that gets me: you can NEVER find Asics that fit in the stores, yet @ the Thrift store it works???? Thanks God!

So, why not take a day off, or hit the gym? You know nothing is the same as running. I was mentally prepped for Boot Camp or Spinning, but alas, chose to run in the rain. It DIDN'T totally suck! Now that the gym's been refurbished, the sauna (thank you GOD!!!) again works, I feel things are back in order.

Again, why did I havta run? Shebitch has actually been civil, so wassup??? Stoney. Turning into a taciturn teen. VERY affectionate toward Shebitch, but, of course, I'm Satan. Sat on the couch, he had 30 Rock on the tube. He got up, changed the channel. Hurts more than I can describe.

Got my miles, got my run in, life is good.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

day 863

:) !!!!!!!

Got it!

Started unemployed, asking wife for cig $$$, no one would touch me. Got my foot in the door with NY State. Moved up through the ranks...and...AND... THE BRASS RING!!!!! Got the call yesterday, they're appointing me Director! YESSSSSSS. At long last, they finally gave the devil his due. After paying dues for WAY too many years, eating WAY too much humble pie, I got the dream gig!!! I'm in the club!!!!!

Now, the downside: it IS an appointed position, you could lose your gig @ any time, AND you make a better target. Still, you gotta have the stones to take the reigns. Nice.

Also, says alot for my agency. They obviously have an appetite for cool.

Now, the yang: got home, sat on the couch in the living room, Stoney: "Why you gotta push my buttons." I explained he was putting me in an imposssible position/damned if I did-0damned if I didn't. If i let him isolate, I'm not parenting. If I'm there, he thinks I'm breaking his balls. Homey got issues. AND, worst of all, I literally asked "how come Mommy sits here for hours, and you got no beef with that???" To which he, of course, had no response.

But...today I ran. Life is good.

Monday, December 5, 2011

day 862

back in the saddle, again!

This weekend was really tough. When you're scorned in your own home, that really punches you in the gut. Exacerbating everything, Stoney actually thinks Shebitch is normal. Normal people work bizarre hours? Start cooking @ 10 pm (last night's delight)? Leave their kids alone? I, the other day/during the fight, tried explaining that I make it a point to "be there," yet, he pushes me away. And It gets the hugs and love. REALLY REALLY hurts. But remember, when we need $ I'm convenient.

But this morning, I ran. Back to The Line after yesterday's 5m and Saturday's 5k.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

day 861


Made it through the weekend-barely.

Stoney went psycho yesterday, did the "angry teenager with misdirected anger" thing. We ended up verbally duking it out, me="you can't speak to a parent that way, you must have respect," him: "you don't have to call me an asshole or say 'fuck you'." I was literally @ my wits end. And of course, Shebitch didn't help @ all, blaming, among other things, my pulling him outta religion for his behavior. Notice, not doing anything to redirect him, but blaming me. Lovely.

Now, here's the killer. The part that REALLY hurts. It went into the hospital, twice. Who made EVERYTHING right @ home, perfectly clean, all bills paid????? Who does not a goddamned thing, even going so far as to sabotage every effort? Yet, who gets a hug, kiss, and an "I love you" when It abandons the home yet again for 20 + hours????? Amazing. I get totally shit on. Thank GOD I run.

Thank GOD today there was a run in CP. REALLY needed t get away from it all. BUT, REALLY had ZERO motivation. It was a chore, but once I got there, everything fell into place. Met a peep from The Line, another from various races. We spent the day, caught lunch and a movie after.

Thanks God, really needed it. Home sucks.

***Cool pix below!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

day 860

back into the fray

Lil ol' 5k esta manana. One of those "if you live on Long Island you gotta do it, or you get deported." The Hot Chocolate 5k. Did ok, nothing to write home about, but something to feed the need.

Great to see my LI peeps, Polansky got a great pic of Anita and I. God bless her. No demands, just a nice person.

Manana, 5m in CP. Be terrific to get back to The City.

Friday, December 2, 2011

day 859

busy, productive, life.

REALLY had a blast yesterday. Was, frankly, dreading heading out to MSG for a weekday show, but...their schedule doesn't revolve around me.

Hadn't planned on going, but when she had a ticket, offered it to me, hadda follow God's plan.

Sho' 'nuff, amazing!!!!!

The Garden is refurbished, nicer lounges etc...much more spectator friendly. More open spaces. We sat in the section I usually dislike, but strangely, didn't seem to suck like it used to. Nice.

Opening band took the stage, on time, split, Seger took the stage @ 8:30. Played a solid 2 hours, BROOOOOCE showed up, played Old Time Rock n' Roll. Wow. And to think I hadn't planned on going. God bless my peeps!!!!!

Even told her, if it hadn't been for her, I'd have split early. REALLY had a blast!!! Great company, AMAZING show, turns out, it was his farewell concert. Wow.

This really IS the year of the "we're still alive years later." Cheap Trick next week. See what I mean?

An amazing way to end the week. You know it was amazing when you wake up still smiling.

Just gotta stay outta God's way.


***Got back to Toxichouse, It asks where I was. Now let that sink in. Does It EVER tell me where It's going??? So I responded "out, with my make-believe friends." Really has some balls. "I can do whatever I want, I play by different rules, but YOU owe me an answer." I don't think so.

****** GOD BLESS MY PEEPS!!! This am brotherfromanothermother called to touch base. Peeps last night, peeps this morning. Really feeling the love. When I can be tempted to exist solo, they save me from me. They've no idea how important they are.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

day 858

on a roll here!!!!!

Things improving. Gotta keep putting one foot in front of the other and progress results.

Was really hurt that my paycheck now lacks $100. This is the result of the contract we hadda settle for. The $ dif is due to increased health care costs. Things Shebitch will never understand. It contributes zero to bills, yet doesn't understand how I can't pay for more-lacking Its contributing as well as less money in my check-not to mention no raise in 3 years despite increased cost of everything. THAT hurt.

BUT, temps are good, sweatshirt and shorts. Crisp, not QUITE cold, yet.

AND, best of all, 2 of the biggest pains in the ass aren't on site. YAY!!!!!!

Running is good.

Tonight, Bob Seger!!!!!!!